Made for happy vacations

Hotel Greenhil is located in Tumling India and Nepal west Bengal Darjeeling India and Ilam. Tumling is a small hamlet or a village i the eastern Himalayas at an altitude of 2,797ft and often liew to the pathway of famous trekking destinations 'Sandhakphu'and 'Phalut'.The weather in this region is very astonishing and undoubtedly gifted by nature.Tourists from Neighbouring countries like India, Bangladesh, SriLanka and even European continents visit to study asian Plateaus and enjoy the beauty of rocky mountains forming this beautiful Hamlet.

Lifestyle and habitat

The wildlife of Tumling is very vast and suttle. Large species of animals are declining day by day due to climate changes.Very rare and endangered species of animals and birds like Red panda,Himalayan Griffon Vulture,Satyr Trapogan, Fire-tailed Sunbird and many more are protected in Singaila National Park.Many more animals like wild Rabbits and Horses can be found in this area.

Why should you visit Tumling?

At an Altitude of 2,797 ft, wild and lustrous floras and fauna species can be found in Tumling.This innate ability given to these lovely species attracts huge amount of tourists every year.Especially the sepcies of rhododendron is famous in tumling ranging from

Culture and people

The community of people living in tumling mostly are mongol background people.Here the people are influenced by the asian and indian culture found mostly in different parts of India and Nepal.Language mostly preferred are Nepali,Hindi and English.Festivals like Lhoshar,Tihar and manymore are celebrated at it's best. Mostly the tribes of Gurung,Sherpa,Rai,Limbu,Magar and Aryans can be found in tumling.


People visit Tumling because of those cold,tall and beautiful mountains.These mountains acts as a filter to simplify or sum up the perfect beauty of this small village.Mountains like Mt.Kanchenjunga,Mt.Everest can be easily spotted from this village.Trekking route for most of the mountains start from this village.So many people visit just to extract and relive the beauty of these mountains given by nature.